Expert Mineral Exploration and Mining Consulting Service
Over 40 years of experience in mining and mineral exploration consulting for your business needs.
Medusa Geo-Consulting LLC has an “eye” for turning stone into profit, a skill developed after many years of geological exposure and experience in the mining and exploration industry, coupled with an effective use of satellite image processing and interpretation.
Medusa Geo-Consulting LLC is a company created by Michael Othitis a Professional Geologist certified by the American Institute of Professional Geologists (AIPG). As a Certified Professional Geologist (CPG), Mike's broad geology experience and digital data integration skills are used to magnify and assess the important geological pathfinders that are linked to mineral exploration success. If you own or are offered mineral properties that require a professional geological appraisal and/or evaluation, contact Medusa Geo-Consulting LLC.
AIPG Certification
Expertise in Mineral Exploration Services
Medusa Geo-Consulting LLC has the professional consulting experience in mineral exploration and mining services to ensure reliable results tailored to your specific needs.
Open Pit Preparation - Crescent Mine Zimbabwe
Expert Mining Services
Mineral Exploration Expertise
Medusa Geo-Consulting LLC provides comprehensive mineral exploration services tailored to meet your specific project needs and goals.
Consulting Experience
Teamwork makes your projects a success
Sample Projects
Crescent Copper Mine - Zimbabwe
Exploration program initiated by Medusa Geo-Consulting.
Fort Rixon - Zimbabwe
Medusa Geo-Consulting's prioritized gold targets identified via surface mapping, satellite image processing and structural interpretations.
Assessment for kimberlite and diamond potential in Central Botswana via magnetic surveys and satellite image processing prepared for Turtle Creek Mining Limited.
Satellite image processing for gold-copper deposits in north-east Zambia.
Geophysical Magnetic anomalies at Lonely and Tiberius mines.
Bubi Province (Matabeleland North)
Detailed Project Portfolio
Angelus & Turk Mines (Bulawayo) Consultant and NI 43-101 technical reporting for New Dawn Mining Corp.
Camperdown Mine ((Shurugwi) Consultant and NI 43-101 technical report preparation for New Dawn Mining Corp.
Casmyn Mining & New Dawn Corporation Consultant and NI-43-101 reporting on Dalny Mine Complex, Turk Mine, Angelus Mine, Old Nic Mine, Venice Mine, Golden Quarry Mine, Wanderer Mine & Camperdown Mine.
Cactus Mine (Midlands Province) Surface drilling program and property valuation report compiled for Falcon Mines Zmbabwe Limited.
Chakari (Mashonaland West) Mineral potential assessment and exploration program compilation on gold properties peripheral to the Dalny Mine Compex for Inframine Zimbabwe Pvt Ltd.
Commoner Mine (Mashonaland West) Assessment of gold potential, gold targeting and report compilation for Venice Mine Complex.
Crescent Mine (Mashonaland West) Consultant and NI-43-101 reporting for Pangolin Mines & Minerals.
Dalny Mine (Chakari) Group Chief Geologist overseeing all Falcon Gold’s Zimbabwe mining and exploration properties. Due diligence undertakings for property acquisition from Central African Gold by New Dawn Mining Corp. NI 43-101 technical report prepared for New Dawn Mining Corp.
Darwendale (Mashonaland Central) Detailed surface exploration planning for alluvial chrome culminating in strip mining and processing plant for Pangolin Mines & Minerals.
Dawn-Brilliant (Chakari) Exploration drilling and geological appraisals culminating in establishment of underground mining operation by Falcon Gold Zimbabwe Limited.
Fort Rixon (Matabeleland South) Consultant and Independent Technical NI-43-101 report compilation for Meltrix Transport Pvt Ltd.
Glen Hume Mine (Midlands) Consultant and Independent Technical NI-43-101 report compilation.
Golden Valley Mine (Kadoma) Geology consultant for all underground and surface requirements and discovery of Golden Valley north extension culminating in shaft sinking and exploitation of coarse gold in oxide zone with lower grades in sulfide zone.
Golden Quarry Mine (Shurugwi) Extensive underground and surface exploration planning and technical NI-43-101 report prepared for New Dawn Mining Corp.
Golden Quarry (Manicaland) Property valuation report compilation on the Cairndhu, Clutha, Reliance, and Pension mines for Bilboes Holdings Pvt Ltd.
EPO 56/2018 (Mashonaland West Province) Mineral potential assessment and technical report compilation for Gulf Stream Resources.
EPO 57/2018 (Matabeleland North –Bubi Area) Mineral potential assessment and technical report compilation for Gulf Stream Resources.
EPO 58/2018 (Midlands Province)- Mineral potential assessment and technical report compilation for Gulf Stream Resources.
EPO 59/2018 (Matabeleland North –Turk Mine Area) Mineral potential assessment and technical report compilation for Gulf Stream Resources.
Hamburg Mine (Kadoma) Surface and underground drill analysis. Mine modeling, mineral potential assessments and gold target generation.
Inyati Copper Mine (Mashonaland Central) Site visit and feasibility study and report compilation for Turtle Creek Zimbabwe Mining Limited.
Isabella Gold Mine (Matabeleland North) Assessment of gold potential, targeting and report compilation at Isabella and within Isabella and Gwizaan EPOs for Bilboes Holdings Pvt Ltd.
Lonely & Tiberius Mines (Matabeleland North) Gold potential assessment via remote sensing and geophysics and report compilation for Ragusa Minerals Ltd.
Mashonaland West Mineral potential assessment and exploration program compilation on gold properties peripheral to the Pickstone Mine and Connemara Mine for Inframine Zimbabwe Pvt Ltd.
Mashonaland West & Midlands Provinces Mineral potential assessment and feasibility study within Exclusive Prospecting Orders (EPO) 1838 & 1839 for Broadtec Mining Zimbabwe.
Mufungabusi EPO (Gokwe) Overseeing Exclusive Prospecting Order for precious and base metals and kimberlite, covering an extensive area. Several claims pegged for low grade heap leach potential and copper in the Njelele and Commoner Districts for Falcon Gold Zimbabwe Limited.
Midlands Province Area Consultant and exploration planning for Golden Quarry, Camperdown, Santoy, Wanderer, RKB, Ultimus, Glen Hume, Tebekwe and Surprise mines for New Dawn Mining Corp.
Midlands Province Mineral potential assessment and exploration program compilation on properties south-east of Zvishavane and within the Mberengwa Greenstone Belt for Anmack Private Limited.
Midwinter Mine (Mashonaland West) Mineral potential assessment, exploration program and report compilation for Coalhub Zimbabwe Pvt Ltd.
Mount Darwin Area Geological mapping and surface drill planning and subsequent pegging of the Gungwa, Chiutsa and Drum claims with high magnetite, vanadium, and platinum potential.
Montegue Mine (Silobella) Detailed exploration program and report compilation for Flamelily Investments Pvt Ltd.
Red Hill (Chimbadzi - Chinhoyi) Geological mapping, magnetic surveys, surface drilling and identification of extensive magnetite-vanadium deposit for Falcon Gold Zimbabwe Limited.
Silverside Mine (Mashonaland West) Consultant and NI-43-101 reporting for Pangolin Mines & Minerals.
Venice Mine (Kadoma) NI 43-101 technical report prepared for New Dawn Mining and Venice Mine Complex.
Washington Mine (Mashonaland West) Site visit, feasibility study and reporting for Turtle Creek Zimbabwe Mining Limited.
Central Botswana Kimberlite and diamond potential assessment and reporting in Central Botswana for Turtle Creek Zimbabwe Mining Ltd & Kimberlite and diamond potential assessment for African Queen Mines Ltd.
Central Botswana Kimberlite and diamond potential assessment and reporting in Central Botswana for African Queen Mines Ltd.
Migori Greenstone Belt Consultant overseeing gold projects in Odondu, Karasuk, Kakamega and Ugunja provinces for African Queen Mines .
Blue Dot Mine Underground and surface exploration planning and NI 43-101 technical report prepared for New Dawn Mining Corp.
Mpika Remote sensing assessment and report compilation on gold -copper deposit potential for Inframine Pvt Ltd.
Mumbwa Gold potential assessment of the Matala & Dunrobin gold deposits via satellite image interpretation and stuctural analysis for Inframine Pvt Ltd.